Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter 1

Once again this goes out to my best friend, CG for writing this amazing series

Brad tore off the Christmas paper and looked at the picture inside of a frame. He looked at Ronnie and then back at the picture, "What's this?"

"What do you think it is?" Ronnie asked back.

"Its a baby and OH MY GOD! Ronnie are you...oh wow..." he stuttered and then kissed Ronnie deeply.

"Merry Christmas Brad, you are going to be a dad" Ronnie smiled at Brad.

"We are having a baby, wonderful. Ronnie I love you so much and this baby is our Christmas miracle" Brad said kissing Ronnie again.

"I love you too Brad and this is our Christmas miracle and we are adding a new member to the Stars family with this baby" she said.

"A new "Star" for Christmas is great for all of us" Brad said holding Ronnie close and smiling.

This Christmas was so special for Brad because he had Ronnie and now they had their new baby to add to their family. Life was wonderful.

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